Goat show rules

1. See Buckeye Livestock Exposition General Rules and Show Ring Code of Ethics. 

2. This show is open to anyone 3 to 21 years of age as of show day.      

3. Participation is NOT limited to Ohio youth. 

4. Out-Of-State Goats: All goats from outside of Ohio MUST have a health certificate. Scrapie rules apply. 

5. Goats can be checked in from 7:00-9:00am on Sunday, June 23. Weights will be declared at check-in. ALL goats in classes divided by weights must weigh within 5 pounds of the declared weight. Weigh backs will be issued at the judge and BLE management discretion.

6. Pens are available but limited for the 2024 show.  

7. Goats must have ownership declared before weigh-in and may not be entered or shown in another youth’s name. Exhibitors must show their own goat unless there are two or more goats entered by the same youth in a particular class. This includes champion drives.

8. Goats will be examined by show personnel. Goats showing evidence of disease will not be allowed to show. 

9. Entries will be accepted until 9:00 am on Sunday, June 23, 2024. No refunds of entry fees for any reason. 

10.The exhibitor must keep control of his/her goat at all times. Ring-men will be available to assist exhibitors. 

11. Market goats, sires and wether dams will be divided into classes by weight. 

12. Slick shorn wether dams may be shown as a market goat. However, a separate entry fee must be paid for each class. 

13. Wethers may not have any testicular tissue or exhibit any signs of still being intact males. 

14. The market goat, wether sire and wether dam classes are not a breed sanctioned show. Therefore, it is up to the judge to determine his/her own criteria for sound mouths, teats, pigment etc. 

15. Market goats and slick shorn wether dams must be slick shorn to an even length above the knee and hock but excluding the head and tail switch. 

16. The clipping and fitting of Wether Dams (with hair) is at the exhibitor’s discretion. Unethical grooming and treatment of animals will not be permitted. Exhibitors using such practices will be dismissed from the show.  

17. Any item that comes up that is not specifically covered by these rules will be decided by the show management and their decision will be final. 

18. Exhibitors are responsible for sweeping and cleaning their fitting area of any clippings and trash at the conclusion of the show. Please help keep the fairgrounds clean!

Goat Show Schedule

BLE Goat Show Schedule

Sunday, June 23, 2024


Weigh-in / Check-in: 7:00 – 9:00am

Show Order:

Show #1

 Judge: Trent Kempker

Showmanship (oldest to youngest)

Wether Sires

Fitted/Haired Wether Dams

Slick Shorn Wether Dams

Market Goats


Show #2

 Judge: Mallory Kieffer

Showmanship (oldest to youngest)

Wether Sires

Fitted Wether Dams

Slick Shorn Wether Dams

Market Goats



$5 entry fee per exhibitor

Classes divided by exhibitor age as of January 1, 2024.

All class winners will compete in a division championship.  Division winners will compete for an overall showmanship champion.

·         19-21 years old – Senior

·         18 years old – Senior

·         17 years old – Intermediate

·         16 years old – Intermediate

·         15 years old – Intermediate

·         14 years old – Junior

·         13 years old – Junior

·         12 years old – Junior

·         11 years old – Novice

·         10 years old – Novice

·         9 years old – Novice

·         8 years old – Novice

·         7 years old – Pee Wee

·         6 years old – Pee Wee

·         5 years old – Pee Wee

·         3-4 years old – Pee Wee *exhibitor may be accompanied in ring by another exhibitor*


All Wether Sires, Does and Market Goats will need to fill out a weight declaration card & turn it into the show office prior to 9:00am on Sunday, June 23.  Cards are available at the show office or on the table near the scales.


Wether Sire Show

**$25.00 entry fee per animal**

Classes divided by declared weight.  **There will be a scale available for you to check your weight prior to turning in your entry cards.  We will NOT be weighing your goats for you.**


Wether sires may show fitted or slicked.  Classes will be divided by weight, if necessary. 


Fitted Wether Dam (with hair) Show

**$25.00 entry fee per animal**

Classes divided by declared weight.  **There will be a scale available for you to check your weight prior to turning in your entry cards.  We will NOT be weighing your goats for you.**


Class winners will return to the ring for an Overall Top 5 Fitted Wether Dam Drive.  The Grand & Reserve Champion Fitted Wether Dams are eligible for the Supreme Champion Doe Drive.


These does are NOT eligible for the market goat classes. 


Slick Shorn Wether Dam Show

**$25.00 entry fee per animal**

Classes divided by weight.  **There will be a scale available for you to check your weight prior to turning in your entry cards.  We will NOT be weighing your goats for you.**


Class winners will return to the ring for an Overall Top 5 Slick Shorn Wether Dam Drive.  The Grand & Reserve Champion Slick Shorn Wether Dams are eligible for the Supreme Champion Doe Drive.


These does are eligible to be shown in the market goat classes, but a separate entry fee must be paid.


Supreme Champion Doe Drive

Grand & Reserve Champions in each show will be brought back to the ring to compete for the Supreme & Reserve Supreme Champion Doe.


Market Goat Show

**$25.00 entry fee**

Classes will be divided by weight.  **There will be a scale available for you to check your weight prior to turning in your entry cards.  We will NOT be weighing your goats for you.**


Market goats will be divided into 3 divisions (lightweight, middleweight, heavyweight).  Divisions will be determined at the show.  First and second place winners will return for a Division Champion Drive.  Grand and Reserve Champion Division winners will return to the ring for an Overall Top 5.


trent kempker

Market Goats and Market Goat Showmanship - Show 1

Mallory Kieffer

Market Goats and Market Goat Showmanship - Show 2