Saturday and sunday show schedule
Saturday and sunday show schedule
8:00 - 10:00am Check in (Market Lambs and Breeding Sheep)
10:00 am Market Show (Saturday and Sunday)
LEAD Showmanship
LEAD Commercial Ewes
LEAD Market Lambs (follow LEAD breed order)
10:30 am - Breeding Sheep (Saturday Only)
Breeding Sheep (Follow LEAD breed order)
Clay elliott (Saturday Market)
Clay elliott (Saturday Market)
Market Lambs and Showmanship
Mclayn Music
Mclayn Music
(Meat breeds)
(Meat breeds)
Meat Breeds and Breeding Sheep Showmanship
Chelsea Nelson (sunday Market)
Chelsea Nelson (sunday Market)
Market Lambs and Showmanship
Emma Peters
Emma Peters
(wool breeds)
(wool breeds)
Wool Breeds and Breeding Sheep Showmanship